Film poster for Ociel, a film directed by Marisol Trujillo, designed by Katia Hernández.
The poster is a black background with large and thin white text. In the bottom part, the title Ociel is written in all capital letters at a slant, starting in the lower left corner and reaching half way up the right side of the poster. Instead of a traditional "O," the first letter of the film title is a series of concentric circles surrounding a small red sphere with red dots along each line, resembling the orbits of a planetary system. Additionally, at the ending points of each letter, vertical lines extend to the top and bottom of the poster. The line extending down from the "L" is not complete. Instead, there is a break in the middle and the text for the information of the film is typed vertically along the line. The text for the graphic design is in the lower left corner of the poster.