Ke Ahiahi Mamua O Kalikimaka

As opposed to Hawaiian Night Before Christmas, this version is attributed to Menehune, a small mythological Hawaiian people known for their crafts. This signals a greater depth of knowledge than Macy’s version. The reader can also discern a different tone in the usage of Hawaiian words, as this version offers pronunciations. Santa Claus looks like the classic American Santa, with the addition of floral prints on his suit and hat. The illustrations by Barbara Ewald depict a Pacific Islander family using both Indigenous and Christian traditions to celebrate Christmas, showing that life writ large in Hawai’i is a blend of both.

Ke Ahiahi mamua o Kalikimaka
'Twas the Night Before Christmas in Hawai'i

Illustrated by Barbara Ewald
Translations and Pronunciations by Lynette ?A?alaonanona Roy
Edited by Valjeanne Budar
Honolulu, HI: Hawaiian Isles Publishing Co., Ltd., 1984
Nancy H. Marshall "A Visit From St. Nicholas" Collection
Rare Book PZ8.3 .A26 Ahi 1984 folio